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Today I want to take a quick moment to explain to you why music theory is so super important and why it should be your number 1 priority if you want to learn to play an instrument, whether it’s a piano, a guitar, or a saxophone. It doesn’t matter, you need to get this under your belt. So basically back in the day, and I’m talking way back in the day, people were illiterate, and they were not able to read any books. So let’s say there’s 3 books that people wanted to read, which is probably the 3 books that they had in the whole town or city, they would need to go to somebody who could actually interpret these books, who could read them, and then tell them what was in there. If you want to imagine what that is like, let’s say that you’re from an English speaking country, and you have 3 books that you want to learn, but they are all written in Russian. Now this is of course a very difficult thing. If you want to know what the knowledge is that is inside these books, the only way to do it is, is to find somebody who speaks Russian, have them read it for you, and then tell it to you, which is very uncumbersome. That is what most people are doing with a private piano teacher. Which is fine, that can be helpful, but I think that learning the music theory yourself, which will allow you to read the books yourself, is much more helpful. Now the cool thing is, music theory is like a language on it’s own. And these books are basically like songs. So let’s say you wanted to learn a song from Adele, a song from John Legend, and a song from Frank Sinatra. If you could actually speak that language and understand that language of the book, or in this case the songs, it would be super easy to do that. So, what music theory allows you to do, is to actually have a look at any of these songs, and learn how to play them super quick. Now I’m not saying that you will learn a song in 1 minute, but it’s going to be way quicker than if you don’t speak the language. So if you were to learn Russian, you can read these three books, and yes it will take you some time to get through the book, it will take you some time to absorb the knowledge that’s in the book, but eventually you will get it, all by yourself. And the best thing is you can actually adapt it, and make sure that it is something you like, same way as you can adapt what you read in a book, if you summarize it for yourself, you can draw your own conclusions, and that’s why I really like this analogy. So if you don’t know any music theory, that’s fine, but you’re basically illiterate, in the music world. You’re not able to read your own books, therefore you are not able to by yourself learn how to play a song, you’re not able to write or adapt a song, which can be seen as composing, and it can also be seen as improvisation. Something that a lot of you want to learn as well. So how can you learn music theory? Well, there’s a few options, you can learn it from a private piano teacher, but it’s really expensive to do this because basically, it is theory okay? The private piano teacher comes in very handy if you wanna you know get feedback, when you’re playing, or something like that, it’s super good for that, but the theory you could learn it from a book, you can learn it from a video, or even from an audio tape. So if you want to get a book or an audio tape, that’s not something I can help you with, if you want to learn it from videos, I actually have a music theory course, and you can find the link in the description box down below. And the best thing is, you can actually, try this course out for free, for 60 days, via the link in the description box down below. As a kicker, I’m giving away a piano on October 31st 2019, to one of the students enrolled in this course, and that could also be you! So make sure to check that out. For now, I want to thank you so much for sitting through my analogy, I hope it made sense to you. If it did, please give this video a thumbs-up, and for now all I’ve got left to say is: Keep Playing!!

Atomic Note Piano is a video blog about everything piano. You can even learn how to play the piano by watching the instructional videos.ย 

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